Monday, September 27, 2010

Oh, hi there!

Welcome, welcome to the debut of my re-vamped blog! I'm very excited to head to Africa in less than a week to start my grad school fieldwork. I'm hoping to get a lot done so I can finish this PhD thing before I'm 80. At the same time, I'm really hoping that I'll get a chance to explore, make new friends, keep in touch with old ones, and share everything I discover with you!

Alice in Wonderland statue, Central Park NYC
I just got back from spending the weekend in NYC with my best friend (Almost) Dr. PRyce ;) I LURVE HER! She was kind enough to take me to the Alice in Wonderland statue in Central Park (YES, the very one from Remember Me) and not make fun of me too much for it....what can I say: it makes me feel closer to Rob!

So I'm not sure how much access I'll have to internet while I'm away or how consistent it will be, but I have high hopes. Funny enough, when I tell people I'm heading to Africa the first question they ask me is "How are you going to live without Twitter or Twilight fanfiction?" Needless to say, I am taking precautions to minimize going without either! Internet and blackberry services are my high at the top of my priorities once I land!

Off for now peeps! As darling Icy would say: Laters baby!


  1. Hi Funmbie! I love your blog and I can't wait to keep up with your upcoming travels and big new adventures!

    Best wishes and safe travels!


  2. The wonders of technology will hopefully help us to miss you less while you're away. It'll be sorta like we're there with you during your experience. I can't wait to get your message streams coming back to us.
