Friday, October 15, 2010

Thank GOD for Blackberries...

Hiya from Africa! This is my first blog entry from the Motherland.
Apologies for the delay...getting internet (via my laptop) has proven to be a bit difficult, but thank goodness for blackberries, ubertwitter, and bbm!

I arrived in Africa about 11 days ago and have pretty much been settling in. It rains A LOT more than I expected and the heat, while HOT, is bearable.

I've mostly been making phone calls, trying to get things in order so I can get to work on data collection.
I was supposed to head to the Central Bank today, but there was a National Women's Initiative program, hosted by the First Lady, happening a few blocks from the Bank. So ALL roads were closed...ergo, research trip postponed to Monday.

I was a little disappointed, but as my Dad told me before leaving the U.S., its important to be patient! Everything won't be straight-forward....I'm trying to keep this in mind.
Besides I was able to explore my neighborhood...found a local grocery type store, and a Mr. Biggs (Nigerian McDonald's equivalent). So today was a win!

I have loads of pics I want to blog, but only some of them are on my bberry. I blog what I can and save the ones on my camera for a little later!

Stay tuned...
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


  1. Thank you for sharing!!! Definitely look forward to pics one day. Be safe. Loved hearing how your day has gone.

  2. Glad things are going well so far. It can only get better from here.
